[015] Creating Cultures for Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Have you ever wondered what would happen if you took the highly concentrated culture of innovation that exists in places like Silicon Valley and recreated it in economically disadvantaged communities like inner cities and developing nations? My guest today, Brett Gilbert, has. In fact, she has made it her life’s work.

Brett is a Regional Innovation Chair and Associate Professor at American University. She travels the world helping communities understand how entrepreneurship can create economic opportunity in businesses, families and communities. Her research in India, South Africa, Brazil and elsewhere has given her a unique perspective on developing thriving cultures of innovation and entrepreneurship.

But it wasn’t until years later, when she was working in a career that left her feeling restless and unsatisfied, that she received a postcard in the mail that would help her find her calling.

In this episode Brett talks about:

  • Practical steps to discovering God’s calling
  • How to overcome personal barriers to start or grow a business
  • Trusting God as a career planner

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