008: Love Well, Lead Well with Jessi Vance


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YOUR PURPOSE IS CALLING PODCAST EPISODE 008 Jessi Vance, Founder of Kaleidoscope



Remember the days of growing up and longing to feel a sense of belonging? Jessi Vance does. As the daughter of missionary parents, Jessi was an American living in Uzbekistan where she studied dance and dreamed of becoming a professional dancer. As a non-native, she often felt that she didn’t quite fit in the culture of Uzbekistan. As a young woman living abroad, she felt different than other kids her age in America. Living between two countries magnified her need to feel a sense of identity.

Jessi graduated and left Uzbekistan for New York City but her heart for kids living abroad – and experiencing the same challenges she faced when growing up – inspired her to launch Kaleidoscope, a non-profit that serves the needs of children of diplomats, military personnel and missionaries living abroad.

Today Jessi leads a U.S.-based team and travels the world leading teams of “Kaleiders” who work with “third culture kids” to develop a sense of identity and belonging wherever they are in the world.

In this episode of the Your Purpose is Calling Christian business podcast Jessi talks about:

  • Helping others find identity and belonging
  • Leading teams who feel valued, loved and heard
  • Developing kids into world-changing leaders

Although Jessi’s work is unique, her insights about loving well as a leader provide practical advice that anyone can use to bring kingdom values into the workplace.

Want to hear more conversations with Christians that are finding purpose, redefining work and changing their world? Subscribe to the Your Purpose is Calling Christian business podcast on iTunes and leave us a review.


Here are links and resources that were referenced during this episode.


The Your Purpose is Calling podcast features conversations with Christians who are finding purpose, redefining work and changing their world. Want to hear more? Here are a few ways you can support this podcast.

The post 008: Love Well, Lead Well with Jessi Vance appeared first on Dawn Sadler.