005: Turn Your Passion into Purpose (and Profits) with Stephanie Shelow


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YOUR PURPOSE IS CALLING PODCAST EPISODE 005 Stephanie Shelow, Founder of Dessert Tours NYC



Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to turn something that you’re passionate about into a business, career, or ministry? My guest in this episode of the Your Purpose is Calling Christian business podcast has. In this episode you’ll meet Stephanie Shelow, Founder of Dessert Tours NYC.  

A few years ago Stephanie was working in full-time vocational ministry at a megachurch in Florida when she felt God call her to New York City. She knew leaving Florida meant leaving ministry and taking a leap of faith into a new career… even though she had no idea what that career would be.

As Stephanie explored New York, praying that God would reveal her next step to her, she had no idea that He already had. An avid baker since she was young, Stephanie spent hours exploring some of the city’s best dessert spots from world-famous bakeries to small, out-of the-way finds.

It was through talking about her passion for desserts with friends and a community group of entrepreneurs at her local church in New York that Stephanie discovered that the purpose she was looking for had been under her nose the entire time.

In this episode of the Your Purpose is Calling podcast Stephanie talks about how she overcame challenges in launching and growing her business.

In this episode Stephanie also talks about:

  • How she discovered her calling almost by accident
  • Wondering if her idea was “serious” enough to glorify God and serve the kingdom
  • The importance of friends and an entrepreneurial community that helped her discover and refine her vision
  • How embracing her own authenticity helped her find joy in her calling
  • What ministry looks like now

If you’ve ever thought about turning your passion into a purpose (and profits) then Stephanie’s story is sure to inspire you.

Want to hear more conversations with Christians in business that are finding purpose, redefining work and changing their world? Subscribe to the Your Purpose is Calling podcast on iTunes and leave a review.


Here are links and resources that were referenced during this episode.


The Your Purpose is Calling podcast features conversations with Christians who are finding purpose, redefining work and changing their world. Want to hear more? Here are a few ways you can support this podcast.

The post 005: Turn Your Passion into Purpose (and Profits) with Stephanie Shelow appeared first on Dawn Sadler.